Courses / Schedules / Enrollment*

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Enrollments for 2025 courses are open

Overview: The Winter School offers different courses each year. The candidate can choose one or more courses according to their availability, course schedules, students' profile to attend the course and previous knowledge required. Enrollment for each course occurs within designated periods. Dates and courses are subject to change. We strongly recommend you read the  application guidelines to help you submit your request for enrollment successfully. Only a limited number of places are available on each course. If you have any doubts, contact Register Office by e-mail in advance.

Targeted audience: Ph.D. students, MSc students, and professors from FGV and other Institutions.

Select your preferred topics (below) and enroll accordingly. Click here to see the enrollment categories and fees (Make sure to choose the right enrollment category, in order to avoid further problems):

EnrollmentBy clicking "Apply here" you are agreeing that you have read the FGV EAESP Winter School Application Guideline and you have understood it.


Online courses or

On-campus courses






Date Time






The expected students' profile to attend the course;  Previous knowledge required; and software or material required Last Date to Enroll  (places are limited)



Alunos  regulares dos  CMCD AE e  APG Acadêmico da FGV EAESP





Inclui Alunos regulares  dos mestrados e doutorados Profissionais da FGV EAESP
1. online

Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes

SKEMA Business School, France

Capital Structure, Corporate Restructuring and Governance syllabus  July 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (9 of July is a State Holiday) in morning, from 9:00 a.m. till 12:30  p.m. (Brazilian official time 2 cr./30h FIN


click here

May 30, 2025




Giovanna Lo Nigro

Universtiy of Palermo, Italy

Sharing Economy Platforms syllabus


from July, 22 to July, 25 (Tuesday to Friday)  and from July 28 to July 31  (Monday to Thursday) In  morning, from 8:00 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. (Brazilian official time) 2 cr./30h AATI ,EE,  EO, MKT, GOS


click here

May 30, 2025



Kayla Schwoerer

University at Albany, State University of New York

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Administration and Management


July 8, 10, 15,  17, 22,  24, 29 and 31 (Tuesday and Thursday) In  morning, from 9:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. (Brazilian official time) 2 cr./30h AATI , MKT, GSC, TEPP, PESP


click here


May 30, 2025
4 online  

Xin Ye

Fudan University, China

Advanced Quantitative Research Methods


July 1,2,3,4, 7,8,10,11  (9 of July is a State Holiday) In morning, from 9:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. (Brazilian official time) 2 cr./30h EE, MKT, GOS, GSC, TEPP, PESP


click here

May 30, 2025
5. On-campus

Miguel  Córdova 

Tecnologico de Monterey, Mexico

Dynamics of Power and Influence for Business: A social networks perspective


July, 10  and 11 (Thursday and Friday), from July 14 to July 18 (Monday to Friday)  and  July 21  (Monday) In morning, from 9:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. (Brazilian official time) 2 cr./30h EE, EO, MKT, GOS


click here


May 30, 2025


subject to change

We reserve the right to cancel any course, at any time.

(1) Students of the FGV EAESP - CMCD AE and APG  - the credits earned will count toward the credits required in the following Concentration Areas
Obs.1: Especificamente para alunos do CMCD AE da FGV EAESP com ingresso a partir de 2023, os dois primeiros créditos cursados em  disciplinas de EI serão contabilizados como "eletivos de EI", os demais serao contabilizados como na tabela acima (dentro ou fora da LP).
Obs.2: Alunos do CMCD AE e APG da FGV EAESP podem cursar todas as disciplinas. A tabela acima é exclusivamente para efeitos de alocação dos créditos eletivos (EI, LP ou fora da LP).